
While the orders you have given are being prepared, the product is packaged in such a way that its shape and structure are not clear, there is no information about the package content on the package or cargo bag. Click for detailed information about Shipping and Packaging.

When sending the products you purchased to you, the products are sent with a special packaging method that cannot be understood as a shape. The package content is packaged in such a way that it is definitely not obvious. Also, click for detailed information about Packaging.

To place an order, simply follow these steps: You can add the products you want to buy from the product pages to your basket by clicking the 'Add to Basket' button. You can choose one of your registered addresses from the payment screen or add a new address information. You can complete the payment process by entering your card information on the same screen and choosing one of the installment options if you want to make installments. You can browse through our categories and buy the right toy for you.

If you ordered the wrong product or changed your mind, you can easily cancel your products before the cargo preparations begin, as follows.
By following the steps 'My Orders' > 'Details/Order Detail' > 'Cancel Order'.

It cannot be canceled if the products have started to be prepared for shipping (your invoice has been issued) or if they have been shipped. In this case, you can return the product when it is received.

Certainly. Secretsekme.co offers a gift package option.

For detailed information about your order, you can send an e-mail to info@boomkintech.com or contact us via Live Support by clicking the Whatsapp icon on the site.

The products in your order, paid in one go, will be sent to you in a single package.

All individuals over the age of 18 can shop from Secretsekme.co.

If you encounter such a situation, you can send an e-mail to info@boomkintech.com or contact us via Live Support by clicking the Whatsapp icon on the site.

Before completing your order, you can make changes such as the products in your basket or the payment method.